Thursday 27 December 2007

Christmas Morning

Before Church, Daniella opened ALL her pressies, and boy were there loads!

Mad Child

Daniella had a "MAD" hour on Christmas Eve.... The pics speak for themselves!

The long awaited....

Christmas Eve

Firstly, we had an amazing 23rd at Richie and Heidi's, but forgot to take the camera, so we'll have to start you off on the 24th at Mum and Germain's....

Friday 21 December 2007

Santa came to Town

On Wednesday the 12th December, Santa came to town. The whole town got together to sing carols around the Christmas tree and enjoy mulled wine and mince pies and then.... Santa arrived in a truck with his workshop and elves! It was AMAZING!

Party Princess

Daniella had her first disco ever.... School arranged a disco and boy did we have fun buying the perfect outfit!

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Bonfire Night

On Monday the 3rd November, our little town came alive again, with Bonfire Night! We all gathered in town, lit our flaming torches and walked up to the park for the annual bonfire and fireworks display. It was absolutely amazing!!!! The pics tell the story....

The Bonfire at the Bonfire Night

Fireworks at Bonfire Night

More Fireworks

And more Fireworks

Friends at Bonfire Night

Daniella with her friends, Annabell and Megan on Bonfire night.


Halloween was on Wednesday, 31st October, and Daniella dressed up for "Trick or Treat". On Saturday, we did it all again. There was a Halloween party at the stables and loads of fun was had by all.... The barn was converted into the spookiest of haunted houses.... sorry, no pics!

Monday 29 October 2007

My Gorgeous Daughter

Look at my little glamour girl....

Our Front Door

Look at our funky front door.... nice and big and red.... can't miss it can you! See our flowers hanging up too....

Autumn Leaves and Little Creatures

I can't get over all the beautiful colours in the leaves.... and the little creatures coming out to play....

Across the Road

We decided to explore the golf course across the road this weekend. We ended up going for a nice long walk, as it was so gorgeous, and what a beautiful day too!

Sunday 21 October 2007

Spinnaker Tower

Daniella and I took the 70 second lift up Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, which takes you to a height of 110m. There's a glass floor and Daniella lay on it and I took a pick from above her, looking down.... boy was that a little creepy, but what a view!


Daniella and I took a drive to Portsmouth, about 25 minutes away, a gorgeous coastal city where you can take a ferry to the Isle of White. We went to a little aquarium and had a good look at all the sights. The sun shone brightly, but it was still rather chilly!

Saturday 20 October 2007

The Fair

On Thursday night, 18th October 2007, Broad Street came alive! Can you believe that for one night only, a complete "fun fair" is set up for all to enjoy and by 8am the next morning, it's completely gone!!!! We had so much fun.... Daniella won lots of prizes and even tried rock climbing.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Candice's Room

I'm still going to get a desk for my room so that I can set my laptop up downstairs.